
Nisswa American Legion - Billie Brown Post 627


 Meeting Minutes

June Newsletter for Auxiliary



Jo Q. was not able to be at the meeting, so I, Lynn, presided over the meeting. Thanks to all of the Auxiliary members in attendance.  Great input was received by those in attendance.  We would like to welcome new member – Candy Barnack – great to have you at the meeting and future meetings.


Memorial Day Post program will be Monday, May 29th at Noon.  Auxiliary members will be passing out the program and flags to those in attendance. Afterwards, the Auxiliary will be assisting the Post with the meal the Post will be providing.  We may have enough volunteers but do not be surprised if Carol G or I approach you to help.


The Poppy coloring contest was quite the success – again.  Big thanks to Jo for being chairman of the project.  The winners of the Poppy Coloring contest are posted on the bulletin board by the popcorn machine.


Coming up on June 17, Angie Duus is having the Annual Car Show at the Post in the parking lot. She had this at the Post last year also. She does this in honor of the Father who passed away due to cancer.  She has asked the Auxiliary to again help with providing food to those in attendance.  Plans are to have “Maid-Rite”, chips, condiments, and lemonade.  If any Auxiliary member can help with serving the food it would be very much appreciated.  We do this outside and there will be a canopy.  Should be a lot of fun plus a money maker for us.


Poppy Days are soon to pass.  The annual poppy letter has generated lots of funds to be used on our Auxiliary Veterans Programs.  Thanks to all who have responded to the letter – you can still respond if you have not already. Next year we need to get out and about within Nisswa – Post office, Schaefer, Pickle – just to name a few.  Make ourselves visible to the public. We need to generate funds other than depending on the annual letter we send out.


We held our annual election of new officers:  Lynn Hall, President; Angie Duus; 1st VP, Nancy Ehlenfeldt, 2nd VP; Exec Committee members, Carol Greaves and Jo Quam.  The following appointments were: Treasurer; Cherie Nordby; Secretary, Roberta Nyquist; Membership, Dee Ebert; Chaplain, Pat DeZurik; Sergent-at-Arms, Janie Pommer; and History, Lynn Hall.   CONGRADULATIONS TO ALL OF THE 2023-2024 OFFICERS